Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Oh my goodness.....

    Oh my goodness. I keep meaning to keep my blog up, but I get side tracked so easy these days. I am just going to have to set aside a certain day each week to make sure I do this. I have gotten a lot done since the last entry, so lets get going.
    First let me say, Hello my friends. I hope that you are all well and that your travels are as exciting as mine. Hugs. Some of you that read this have known me for quite a while now, and you know that I have went through lots of changes the last few years, for the better, or at least I hope. I finally quit fighting who I am and accepted myself, and once I did that, I became a better and happier person. For so many years I lived in frustration and anger. I kept believing that the reason I didn't have the things in life that everyone else had was because I was an artist. So I fought it, for years and years. I tried so hard to be some one that I am not. I let TV and others let me think that I was a no one and unsuccessful , because I didn't live in the big house up on the hill, as the saying goes. But what I have figured out is this, we are all, all of us, born with gifts. Not all gifts are creative, but the world need all kinds of people to make it a good place. The trick is to find out what it is you are good at, that also makes your heart happy, and do that. Don't try to be anything other than that. If you do, you will never be truly happy. Money is not the key, love is. Do what you love, and everything else will follow. But you must us wisdom and patience as well. Things take time. It is up to you how long it takes, depending on how much time you put into learning and mastering your gifts. Often it is a long path, but if you just keep at it and not compare your life to others, you will find you are happy. 
    Since I have been receiving the Testosterone shots, my whole life have been changing and improving. I have definitely become much more serious about my work. If you want to see more than I post here, you need to join my "Like" Page on Facebook.  I am going to make a lot more video's, but only when I have time. I do have some good ones I want to share with young artist, that will improve their skills almost instantly.
   I have opened my Website and online gallery now. I will be adding more to it every at least once a week. As it is, I have a long ways to go, but It is up and running. My step-daughter choose the name that we are going to use. It is ARKZ online gallery. I didn't use my name because this is going to be much bigger than me in time. It will take time, but Arkz will be branded with my name, so in the future everyone will know this is my family business. Here is the logo she designed for it. I think it is awesome for a 13 year old. I polished it a little, but it's all her idea.

  If you want to buy prints, original art, limited edition prints or special items, please visit us at  
   Here is some of the new work you can see and buy there. The original has already sold, but there are limited prints and regular prints of this watercolor.....

  and here is "High Adventure" ....

  The original is up for sale on the website as well as prints.
    I am done with the Mark Farner piece I showed you in progress in the last blog, here is a not so great photo of it, but I will have a nice photo of it next time around. I will not be selling these. In a few months, the 3 Farner paintings are going to be offered as Lithographs by the Farner camp to raise money to help with the medical bills of Mark's son, Jesse. He was in a horrible accident last year and broke his neck. I am so glad I am able to help the family in this way. It's a great way to say "Thank you" for all the years of great music has given us.

   I have started a new series of paintings that I will be talking about in the next blog. Until then, Remember to Love.  Hugs. Blessings and thank you for visiting.

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