Saturday, January 28, 2012

Love and Hugs.

      Hello my friends and family. I love you all. Hugs. Sometimes I feel so guilty that I am so happy. I have problems just like everyone else, and I certainly have some serious health issues, but I always tell myself, it could be worse. An I think about all the wonderful, positive things I have in my life. For Instance I have a wonderful family that I love with all my heart and soul.  Madison's children are wonderful and I take pride in all the things that they do, even when they fail, I love them even more.  Madison is my true mate. I have never been happier with a woman in my whole life. There is nothing I would not do for her.
    I have some of the greatest friends in the world as well. They're such a blessing to me and always inspire and motivate me. I am privileged to know such talented people. An I can't forget the talent that was given to me by Mother. It is the greatest gift that I could ever imagine anyone could get. The gift to create.  While so much of mankind seeks to destroy, I and thousands like me where given the gift to be able to create. Wether it be art, music, film or the written word it is the most positive gift that we have ever been given.
   When I think back to my earlier years when I thought that being an artist was a curse, I am so ashamed that I ever thought that. I just simply did not understand the beauty and the love behind the gift I was given. 
   I have been very busy. Here is another new painting. This one features film star Michelle Tomlinson....
   Once again, this is a photo, but in the next blog I will finally be able to scan the first works I did so you can see them better. I had to get them dry in a hurry because they are going to be on display at the Super Bowl in a private box owned by a famous gallery out of Indianapolis, and my work will be featured in this gallery after the big game. More on that soon. How cool. I wasn't even thinking of getting my work out there this soon, but fate stepped in. Madison and I are thrilled. This is one of the paintings that will be on display there.
   As I write this, I am almost done with another painting. Unless today turns out to me a total mess, I should finish it.  It is the second painting that features Detroit model Madeline Frost.
    I wish you all love and happiness. I pray that each of you will find satisfaction in your lives.  Love and Hugs.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

I feel reborn...

   Hello my friends. I am so glad you have come here to spend some time with me. I do appreciate that very much. Knowing that you care enough about what I do, to spend a little time with me is probably the most encouraging thing you could do for me.
   I have been on fire. It is like falling in love with my art for the very first time.  In the last 2 weeks,  I have completed 3 paintings.  Thats right, 3.  It used to take me a month to do 1 painting,  2 weeks if I did it digitally.  But I am talking oil paintings. I set down to work in the morning and I don't stop until 8 or 9 at night.  I am working hard and loving every second of it.
   The first painting is of model Madeline Frost. It is a back view of her, but I loved the photo and decided to paint it.
    This painting took me 4 days to do.  I hope to scan these in the near future, but I am using Linseed oil as my medium and it is taking a while to dry. I have no desire to put them in the oven, lol, or use a medium that dries fast. I love the way Linseed oil holds it's sheen.  This is painted on a 16 x20 stretch canvas.  I have fallen in love with painting on canvas. In all of these years, I have never worked on canvas before.  Being an illustrator before, you tend to want to paint on a smooth surface so you can add more detail.
   In this second painting, I feature my long time friend and movie start Suzi Lorainne.
 Again, this is on a 16 x 20 stretch canvas. It took about 4 days as well. People tell me all the time that my work has a certain look or style to it that lets them know I did it. I've never noticed that before, but now I am starting to see it, and I love what I am seeing. Like I said I am so motivated. I have never worked with this much energy before.  I am more excited about my art now than I have every been.
    The 3rd painting is my  first portrait in oils.  It is of my Grand Niece,  Madie Parks. Isn't she a doll? She has 3 younger sisters that I am going to paint as well.
I did this one in 3 days. There is so much joy in loving painting and loving the subject you are painting. Again, this is on a 16 x 20 stretch canvas.
   I am hoping by the next blog that one or two of these will be dry enough to scan to show you.  Luckily, Madison was able to teach me to take better photographs so I don't mind showing you these, compared to the old days when I was ashamed  to show a photo that I took of a painting.
   In the next painting, I will be featuring film actress Michelle Tomlinson.  She has agreed to model for me along with Suzi and Madeline.  They believe in my new direction and I am thrilled to have such wonderful models to work with.
   I think it is safe to say, that if I can keep up this pace, I will have enough paintings to approach some galleries with in a couple of months.  I was originally thinking a year, but I had no idea that I was going to embrace my paintings the way I have and put so much of myself into it.
   Something I want to share with you as well is that I have put a fan page up on Facebook again as Nixon Johns.  But I don't really want a bunch of fans.  I would rather use the page for more positive things, so I have decided to use it to share and teach my fellow artist all that I have learned from all the years I have done this and the knowledge I have gained from the Masters that trained me.  Even more I have gotten 3 of my closest friends, and 3 of the best artist in the world to help me. Mark Helwig, James "Darkman" Powell and Tracy Flynn.  This is going to be exciting, all that knowledge and skill in one place to help our artist brothers and sisters. It is free of charge with no strings attached.   All you have to have is the desire to learn. If your on Facebook, just go here and hit the like button.  The rules are simple, you must have a real profile. No fake names or profile and you must be respectful of the others on the page. So come join us, and tell your friends to. We are trying to do something good and give back that which was given to us, so please help us spread the word every chance you get. Please.
   That's it for now.  I have to get ready to battle the snow and go get my step son from school, so remember to love others and believe in yourself and your dreams. Love and Hugs from the Johns family.